
Minggu, 02 September 2018

Humbyl Fantasy Sports

Привет всем! Теперь, когда проходит Кубок мира, спортивный IKO, который является IKO, связанным с спортом, очень важен. Я посвящаю вам одного из претендентов на титул, первую децентрализованную спортивную платформу с монетами, которая, не менее, не менее, претендует на самую глобальную, самую крупную монету в мире. Итак, Humbyl Coin - самая большая в мире криптовалюта, построенная для спортивной платформы, которую Crypto Fantasy описывает с настоящим спортивным вызовом от знаменитостей.

Humbyl Coin-децентрализованная криптовалюта Erc20 Fantasy Sports, построенная на блокбастере Ethereum, которая создает онлайн-платформу для спортивных предсказателей со знаменитостями и другими игроками в Fantasy Sports. Он использует опыт и возможности побеждать игроков во всех видах фэнтезийных видов спорта во всем мире. Humbyl предлагает уникальный опыт для объединения криптографических и фэнтезийных видов спорта с возможностью соревноваться с известными знаменитостями и спортсменами. Платформа Humbyl построена на уединении с приятными, удобными и конкурентоспособными принципами.

Задача настоящих профессиональных игроков

У вас есть возможность играть и общаться с другими игроками Fantasy Sports вместе с настоящими профессиональными спортсменами в больших видах спорта

Давайте поговорим о Ico, которую мы предлагаем:

Humbyl будет иметь общий токен объемом в 1 миллиард молей Humbyl (HBL).

400 миллионов (40% от общего предложения токенов) HBL будет распространяться и распространяться в ходе предпродажного и публичного мероприятия ICO Token Generation. Остальные HBL будут распределены в соответствии с распределением монет, указанных ниже.

РАНЬШЕ: понедельник, 21 мая, 2018, 10:30 (PDT)

Bitcoin FortuneCoins дает 300% бонусы казино Легкий способ как получить Bitcoins

КОНЕЦ: Пятница, 31 августа 2018 года, 23:59 (PDT)



QTY МОНЕТЫ ДЛЯ ПРОДАЖИ 400 000 HBL (40% от общего предложения)


Кстати, следует отметить, что начальный этап IKO является успешным и собирается запланированная сумма. Теперь они тайно собирают требуемую сумму в IKO.

Рассматриваемый с «дорожной карты», команда не намерена откладывать выпуск платформы, все прозрачно и подкрепляется настоящими людьми, которые взрастают в сообществе. В целом, эти инверты советуют внимательно изучить проект

Также была запущена программа бонусов, в которой вы будете поддерживать проект, за забавный бонус. Продвигать и получать:

Премиальная программа завершится закрытием продажи токенов 31 августа в 23:59 по тихоокеанскому времени.

Мой профиль BitcoinTalk (Hashirama):

Humbyl- Ma'anar Fantasy Sports

Hello all! Now, when the World Cup is underway, the sports IKO, which is a sports-bound IKO, is highly relevant. I dedicate to you one of the pretenders of being the title, the first decentralized sports platform with coins, which, no less, no less, claims to be the most global, the largest coin in the world. So Humbyl Coin - the world's largest crypto currency, built for a Crypto Fantasy sports platform that describes a real sporting challenge from celebrities.
Humbyl Coin - decentralized Erc20 Fantasy Sports crypto currency, built on the blockbuster Ethereum, which creates an online platform for sports predictors with celebrities and other players at Fantasy Sports. He uses the experience and opportunities of fantasy sports around the world. Humbyl offers a unique experience to unify crypto and fantasy sports with the ability to compete with famous celebrities and athletes. The Humbyl Platform is built on privacy with pleasant, comfortable and competitive principles.

The challenge of true professional players
You have the opportunity to play and communicate with other Fantasy Sports players along with true professional athletes in big sports

Well known platform partners:
Let's talk about the Ico we offer:

Humbyl will have a total token volume in the amount of 1 billion Humbyl coins (HBL).

400 million (40% of total tokens offer) HBL will be distributed and available during ICO Token Generation's pre-sale and public events. The remaining HBLs will be distributed according to the distribution of coins given below.

EARLY: Monday, May 21, 2018, 10:30 (PDT)

Bitcoin casino FortuneCoins gives 300% bonuses Easy way how to get bitcoins

END: Friday, August 31, 2018, 11:59 pm (PDT)


FINAL 1 ETH = 1.339 HBL

QTY COINS FOR SALE 400,000 HBL (40% of total offer)


By the way, it should be noted that the initial phase of the IKO is successful and the planned amount is collected. Now they are secretly required for the required amount in IKO.
Viewed from the road map, the team has the intention of delaying the platform release, all transparent and backed by real people who weigh in the community. In general, those inverts advise carefully studying the project

The bounty program has also been launched, taking part where you will support the project, for a fun bonus. Promote and get:
The prize will end program with the closing of the token sale, August 31 at 23:59 Pacific Time.


Welcome my dear subscribers. Today I will tell you about an interesting platform. Yamzu is a decentralized browser-based platform, which is based on the blockchain. The project is a kind of modern playground for eSports tournaments. Any player can take part in competitions, taking advantage of Yamzu's decentralized project.

Yamzu is a unique platform that is browser based. Existing programs do not allow players to feel safe - most often, the data is not confidential, which leads to serious problems. The Yamzu developers take into account the research, which reveals a very interesting trend - a browser-based platform can provide a really high quality demand by the project. Yamzu creators have been working on their project to create a huge customer base, as well as to get a significant profit - 2 years of work allowed to increase revenue by 300%.

The purpose of a decentralized Yamzu platform

It is worth highlighting some important factors:

Teams, as well as individual players will have an excellent opportunity to fight for individual awards and excellent team prizes;

Creating tournaments is a great opportunity for organizers, investors and large companies to promote their own brand;

A great chance for sponsors and advertisers-given the global nature of the project, everyone will be able to advertise their products or services as efficiently and effectively as possible;

Continuous development-today, Yamzu's decentralized platform can be used for tournaments on several popular games, but the developers are constantly working to expand this list. If investors want to support the project-the developers promise to be updated Yamzu functionality.

Vision of developers
As a brand, the Yamzu plans to branch out into a number of gaming industry - including but not limited to entertainment venues, supporting talent agencies for Twitch, as well as streamers and segment-oriented clothing brands.

In the long term, Yamzu should be a major decentralized platform on which to carry out any new version of the game, regardless of their skill level. At the same time, we are developing several separate projects based on Blockchain, they are directly related to the platform. With proper funding, all projects will be implemented in the near future.
Yamzu intends to become a leading provider of sports tournaments, one of which is associated with P2P (Peer to Peer) games, as well as with significant regional and global tournaments. The fact that Yamzu already supports the creation platform gives hope to those who believe the developers and decided to invest in the project. In the future, we will work with game developers, forming a symbiotic relationship associated with the creation of new, unique projects. In addition, it is planned to develop a system for the introduction of new competitive disciplines - if the games will be popular among customers, the competition will be prerequisite. At the same time, the developers of the decentralized platform are ready to open new horizons to active users, as well as the creators of game content. He will be able to effectively monetize his own efforts, get rewards for his activities. Within the platform, cryptocurrency will become a payment instrument.

Sponsorship and advertising
Current revenue model is adopted by most players in the industry. Huge, world-famous companies trying to promote their brands, allocate appropriate funds to sponsor certain competitions and tournaments (of course, this is a great opportunity to advertise your product and create a strong customer base). ESports companies raise money provided by sponsoring companies to create prize pools and encourage active players. Thus, it is not only an opportunity to attract customers to its decentralized platform, but also a chance to create an excellent advertising base for sponsors.

One of the companies that has been active since the beginning of the eSports industry is known to everyone - without a doubt, it is RedBull.

Prize fund
Everything is quite simple, all players who take part in this platform can expect to receive a reward. Platform developers plan to form prize funds using the funds of sponsors of all tournaments.

Betting on eSport
The eSports gambling system functions in the same way as the classic sports, everyone can make batch, taking into account the previous achievements of the players or their own knowledge in this segment. Viewers can bet in different categories - guess the winners of individual events, or predict who will be able to win the whole tournament. It is possible to make a bet in cryptocurrency - everything will depend on user preferences. How do the creators of the platform make money on this? On commissions, as well as lost batch - not everyone can win the competition forecasters.

Existing problem
Players who take part in tournaments often receive rewards - there are many fraudulent schemes that allow you to bypass the contracts. The system is not perfect and needs upgrading. That is why the use of blockchain and its advantages is an adequate solution.

What solution exists today
Yamzu's fully automated system, guarantees players a timely payment, according to the signed smart contract. No errors or human factors - the system receives data that is locked inside the smart contract. Once the competition is over and the winner is determined - he can expect to receive his reward in the specified specified in advance.



My Profile BitcoinTalk(Hashirama):


Welcome my dear friends. Today I will tell you about a very interesting project. Yamzu is designed as a full-featured, browser-based eSports tournament. The Yamzu platform allows to hold competitions in eSports to any player anywhere on Earth.
The platform is one of a kind, completely browser-based. Competing companies are faced with constant problems of users' privacy. Meanwhile, the internal user research shows that the browser platform really shows more growth and potential. These factors give confidence, especially given that Yamzu has a user base (10,000) and an irrefutable track record of 300% annual growth in just two years of activity

The platforms are designed for the following:

Players and teams fight for prizes and rewards.
Brands, influencers and organizations that want to create tournaments.
Advertisers and sponsors, focused on the eSports audience.
Yamzu currently supports CS: GO and LoL, two of the most popular eSports games in the world. The is ready to integrate platform is more popular games such as DOTA2, Call of Duty, Battlefield and PUBG. General information
Token: YMZ
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Quantity: 269,230,770 YMZ
Price: 1 YMZ = 0.1 EUR

Soft cap: 3,000,000 EUR
Hard cap: 13,000,000 EUR

Quantity: 71,500,000 YMZ
Beginning: 25.07.2018
Completion: 25.08.2018


Quantity: 35,000,000 YMZ
Beginning: 29.08.2018
Conclusion: 29.09.2018 I will Tell you a few words about the team. Asiad Majeed
Asiad Majeed manages daily operations ASU. Being a lifelong entrepreneur with international experience, Asiad brings rich knowledge to bear on every stage of business growth by building Yamzu from scratch. As a gamer from a very early age in the industry, he also has a unique understanding of the ever-changing needs of the gaming community. Yamzu market is in good hands. During the Asian Games at Technical University, he studied Economics and management under the guidance of mentor Bob Proctor. After University, he worked for five years in Costa Rica, holding senior positions in sales organizations, as well as in business planning of the American investment firm Forbes and York. Upon his return to Sweden, as said the I22 trained in Kiruna with the army Arctic Rangers, who recognized his leadership abilities and founders to stay and train soldiers in Kiruna. Asiad is fluent in Swedish, English, Spanish and Arabic.

Hristiyan Nikolov
Chief engineer Yamzu, maven programmer and technical director is none other than Hristiyan Nikolov. Combining a wealth of experience in game development with abilities to develop game statistics, Hristiyan has built a browser-based interface that supports the thriving Yamzu community. Before joining Yamzu, he worked on software for MOBA and online fantasy leagues. Hristiyan is the architect of the machine AMCU. It would be understatement to classify it as a Windows and Unix expert. Pragmatic in thoughts and approaches, Hristiyan develops customized solutions with precise and creative adaptations that have proven themselves in the field of new technologies. Blockchain technology is one of the most challenging areas of development and we believe we are lucky to have such a brilliant mind at the helm.

Antonio Migliaccio
Antonio Migliaccio supported Yamzu since its inception, particularly in helping the company make full use of the matrix and user conversion. Given its extensive financial background, Antonio has led Yamzu in choosing the most appropriate path to follow to better deliver additional value to its users and in selecting critical areas for further expansion. Antonio's approach to business is focused on both technical and financial direction, making it ideal for the CFO's position in this emerging eSports market. As for past experience, Antonio received a bachelor's degree in business management from the University of Verona (Italy) and a master's degree in banking and corporate Finance from SDA Bocconi in Milan. Antonio also works as head of education at Maveric SA, a consulting firm for blockchain and also collaborates with several financial institutions in Italy. In the past, Antonio worked as a trader in the stock and currency markets in several private trading companies.

Jovan Radnic
Jovan is a young and qualified marketing assistant from Montenegro. "The little engine that could" ASU's team, Jovan found the first streamers for inclusion in closed beta in 2016, and since he controlled three main functions. First, it supports and interacts with the Yamzu community, and despite the news in the wider gaming culture. Second, Jovan acts as a customer support for the mouthpiece for Yamzu - a feature most important because of the direct feedback it collects on the platform. Finally, he also impressive brainstorms ideas for their creativity as their desperate audacity. Before joining Yamzu for marketing, Jovan worked with the artist Can Dogan in 2014-2015, managed artists' social networks and reached out to partners. He secured "Can" lucrative deal with Riot Games, the League of Legends Publisher. Jovan also has experience in event and project management.

Marcus Zacco
Mark creates internal processes, evaluates indicators and ensures that Yamzu is on the right track to achieve its specific goals. A member of Sweden's MENSA, Marcus combines a high level of intelligence with a low level of data access on the Yamzu platform, the contours of the game landscape and, of course, competition. In addition to simple mental development, Markus has a special understanding in marketing and is a resident copywriter and facilitator of the overall perception of the company by outsiders. Perhaps most impressively, it develops flowcharts that often capture events and corporate structures before they happen or form. In addition, Marcus helps create and update its own Yamzu workflow, a system he developed from scratch.


Ian Scarffe
Ian scarf, blockchain and cryptography Advisor, Ian is a serial entrepreneur, investor and consultant with experience from around the world. Being a presenter. Load map. Q1 2016
Yamzu Constitution the first closed beta of Yamzu is launched for League of Legends. Yamzu begins to earn revenue.
Q4 2016
Yamzu completes its first operational year with income above the 800 thousand SEK.
Q1 2017
Yamzu launches CS: GO in a "closed beta".
Q2 2017
CS: GO is launched in the "open beta" with League of Legends.
Q4 2017
Yamzu Engine is ready to support mobile games. We are celebrating the second year and the best platform from the point of view of income. The platform produced more Than SEK 2.7 million for approximately 300% of the 2016 generated revenue growth.
Q3 2018
Token sale
Q4 2018
Full implementation of YMZ tokens into the platform. Yamzu opens the platform to sponsors, influencers and partners. The launch of the product line Yamzu for gamers. YMZ will be quoted on trading platforms. Implementation of internal exchange.
Q1 2019
The first mobile eSports games will be implemented on the platform. More PC eSports titles will be available, including DOTA 2, PUBG, Call of Duty, and Battlefield.
Q2 2019
Yamzu will host its first global eSports events.
Q4 2019
By this point, Yamzu will have over 20 eSports titles available on its platform, from AAA to indie games.
Q2 2020
Yamzu will hold annual eSports Championships for our top ten countries with the most users.

More info:

My Profile BitcoinTalk(Hashirama):

Sabtu, 01 September 2018

ORBIS BLOCKCHAIN : Manage your assets differently

Good day everyone,i would be writing about the ORBIS BLOCKCHAIN like i introduced the last time,click on this link in order to have an overview of it . Today i would be writing further on the following;

The ORBIS team works hard to ensure that theyare providing a useful service to the world. Their intention is to make life easier for every single one of their customers. They intend to do this by releasing a futuristic payment platform with a number of novel features which will allow customers to do their banking, payments, and investing in cryptocurrency and all in one place. In the Pre-ICO stage (from 16th to 30th of April) we are offering a 50% bonus for all the buyers.
Their team aims to release the platform by 10th of August 2018; however, they will be releasing 50,000,000 coins in advance of its launch, with the starting price of 0.5 € If the minimal capital target will not be achieved all funds will be returned to buyers accounts/wallets.


The ORBIS blockchain road map would be presented below with a pictorial representation;

ORBIS Worldwide Money Transfer and Investment will bring a brand new innovation to this market through its use of cryptocurrency. They will also develop a physical meaning for this sometimes obscure term, providing more than just a digital token with virtual services that could disappear overnight. They are actively working to promote this technology through their ORBIS branch system, including access to mobile payments and no-fee money transfers between 3 billion+ people, unfettered by high costs, time-consuming methods, human errors, or service downtime. They would be providing an unprecedented system that offers faster, cheaper, safer, and more reliable service than any of their competitors.

Their unique, decentralized platform is unlike any other banking system available today, and it can be used easily by anyone of any age. Although the underlying technology may not be well-understood, they see this opacity as a benefit –
after all, there is no need to understand the inner workings of a mobile phone to use it! Orbis customers will be able to save their money, transfer their funds, invest, and receive credit or funding for their businesses all with a simple click of
a button or tap of a screen. In some cases, there may be customers who could misunderstand or have questions about the platform. They will have the option at all times to speak with a AI VR customer service chat robot. This software will be available on desktops, laptops, and mobile devices of all kind. There will be step-by-step usage instructions for each platform.

Like other cryptocurrencies, ORBS will be stored in an digital wallet. Their wallets will be built-in their platform, where customers will be given the opportunity to save, transfer, and invest their tokens worldwide at the lowest exchange rates. Orbis wallet will offer the most simplistic user friendly design so it can be used by clients from all types of ages. The wallet will include an Transfer token account, an Investment token Account, an IBAN Fiat currencies Account and an Savings Account.

Orbis decentralized exchange platform will be used only to purchase and sell Orbiscoins and exchange them to all fiat money currencies. Being a peer-to-peer system, the transactions will be done almost instantly (with the best deal exchange on the market) to any bank account or Orbis Wallet.

Usually cryptocurrency platforms own just a single unstable price coin. Their company comes with no more than two tokens: ORBIS Coin (ORBS) and ORBISInvest coin (ORBSi) Orbis facilitates customers the use of the wallet having two types of coins: ORBIS token is created in a limited supply of 8000.000.000.000 tokens which price will start at $0.50. ORBS token will be used to transfer funds safely not causing customers any money lose. ORBISInvest Token is created in a limited supply of 80.000.000 tokens at a releasing price of $0.50. ORBSi token will be used by cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors mostly to hold and earn from the coin appreciation on the cryptocurrency market.

Explanatory video:

To know more about this platform;
visit the website:
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Hello all readers! Meet me again Today we will be discussing a very interesting ICO project to see which of course readers all want to know more about this project.
This project is called 'Orbis'' for more details, let's look at the following explanation.
Orbis Worldwide Money Transfer is an investment in the future! The team created a new financial unit, based on the blockchain of the blockchain decentralized technology.
Orbis is a future Money and Investment transfer service that will facilitate innovative transactions and investments using token and blockchain technologies. This technology is combined with mobile software and human computers - the ability to transfer money, investments and payments, using data from self service machines, as well as personal smartphones and computers with internet access.
The free wireless sales point will help small and large business owners receive payments for their services and products.
Everyone knows that many crypto-currency projects and systems only offer virtual services. Orbis team intends to open physical self-service ATMs around the world. This ATM is the only customer service system in the world that can automatically provide cash deposits, withdraw, transfer any payment.
Orbis will provide an IBAN debit card issued for access between customers and their funds. This card can be used for cases and unlimited funds to travel to the Orbis branch. Customers can also integrate their own debit card into a platform for withdrawal and withdrawal operations with their own bank account or another.
With a decentralized platform, Orbis customers will be able to save their money, transfer their funds, invest and receive credit or financing for their business with easy clicks, with
press a button or by tapping the screen. In some cases, there may be possible customers
misunderstand or ask about the platform. They will always have a chance
to talk to client clients AI VR customer support service. The software will be available on desktop computers, laptops and mobile devices of all kinds. There will be step-by-step instructions for the use of each platform.

Hasil gambar untuk orbis bounty

Our utility Orbis coin (ORBS) will have a stable price and will be used by customers to perform
pay, store and transfer without the cost of their assets without risk of depreciation or loss.
Orbis security coin (ORBSi) will be released to the public for currency exchange and merchants.
Users will be able to change the currency cryptocurrency and fiat money into Orbis coins and manage them
via the Orbis card application / smartphone / desktop software and in the upcoming Orbis standalone service branch
around the world.
24/7 support from Robot Chat Artificial Intelligence.
The future of FinTech!
What is ORBIS Transfer?
OrbisSolutions has a great plan to launch physical branches around the world. Our branches will be equipped with self-service ATM machines and AI Virtual Assistance. The Orbis branches will provide all types of financial services including payments, transfers, withdrawals, deposits and investment services.
The financial branches of Orbis which are automated and decentralized businesses will not have workers to avoid human error and possible fraud; in this case, our clients will be served and assisted by Artificial Intelligence Virtual Chat Robots and Holograms.
None of our clients will feel the frustration of transaction costs, wasted time and bad customer service.
Digital payments are growing rapidly, and that's what we use for our working model. A universal innovative transaction service involving both fiat and cryptocurrency has been discovered by Orbis Money Transfer and the Investment Project.
Orbis Solutions
Investment and commerce are governed and governed by greedy banks and companies that control access, operate in a non-transparent manner and always take your money off.
As a result, the industry suffers from low liquidity in virtual goods and cryptocurrency, as well as a lack of an interface to access financial, virtual goods and crypto markets.
On top of all this, the complexity and exclusive nature of the current financial system leaves more than 3 billion people without banks worldwide, that's why OrbisSolutions companies come and develop a great idea

The Orbis team, of course, all of its employees work for the company's best interests and are always ready to help in any way. They are always in touch and not forgetting. Indeed, at the present moment, when we talk about the ICO project, this fact is very important.
All the prototypes created by the Orbis development team are available to the public, now you can familiarize yourself with and try this system.
Orbis participates in every possible crypto, blocking forums, making serious contracts.
After reading this blog, you may have questions, Be sure to put it back into official Orbis sources.
Information about ORBIS tokens
Many already know that the cryptocurrency platform has only one token at an unstable price. Orbis does not have more than two tokens: ORBIS Token (ORBS) and Token ORBISInvest (ORBIS)
Orbis allows customers to use a wallet with two types of coins:
ORBIS currents are made with a limited number of 8,000,000 tokens, prices start at $ 0.50. The ORBS symbol will be used to transfer funds.
The ORBISInvest stream is created in a limited number of 80,000,000 tokens at a price of $ 0.50.
The ORBSi marker will be used by crypto-currency enthusiasts and investors to make money from currencies.
Starts February 1st and lasts until May 1st, 2018
Token name is ORBS
ORBS token price is $ 0.50
Soft cap - $ 500,000
Bonus from 1 February to 15 March 2018
Of 25,000 ORBS - 35%
From 15,000 ORBS - 30%
Out of 5,000 ORBS - 25%
Out of 1,000 ORBS - 20%
From 1 ORBS - 15%
Bonus from 15 March to 10 May 2018
Of 25,000 ORBS - 25%
From 15,000 ORBS - 20%
Out of 5,000 ORBS - 15%
1000 ORBS - 10%
From 1 ORBS - 5%