
Senin, 06 Agustus 2018

Planport, a Blockchain Powered Supply Chain Network

Planport is one of the latest blockchain-powered projects with some unique solutions for issues that have affected the businesses for years. This platform is designed to make some radical changes in the supply chain, especially in procurement industry. The founders were inspired by the crucial nature of this industry and that’s why they came up with the idea of Planport. Let’s discover some vital details about this blockchain-based project to unveil how effective it is.
What issues Planport is aiming to resolve?
Almost procedures in the supply chain industry are manual because of limited tools availability. The traditional state of the sourcing system is simply a logistical nightmare for any business. The technological challenges involved are simply overwhelming and any business owner can get sick of dealing with them. Whenever an industry supplies a product, it moves the product from the origin and intends to supply it to the end user. In order to ensure the product will be transported to the right location at the right time, the procurement department follows a daunting process in which it tracks various disjointed legacy systems.
Businesses need to maintain lengthy spreadsheets and check numerous emails in order to supply the product to the intended user and that’s how it becomes a tedious process.
Planport’s solution:
This platform will apply some simple solutions to deal with the issues which are causing a huge loss to the supply chain industry. These solutions are as follows:
  • Intuitive RFx Manager:
Planport’s main focus is providing a platform which is user-friendly and simple. It is a procurement platform that any individual involved in the procurement process can use without requiring any training.
  • Business to Business dispatch:
This is where the blockchain plays a vital role. Planport is using the blockchain technology to offer a direct P2P connection between the business and supplier. Both parties can deal directly without requiring unnecessary third-party individual. All the deals will take place according to agreed business conditions regarding the payment and delivery of products. Consequently, there will be no issue regarding the flow of cash and reconciliations.
  • Smart contract:
Hence Planport is going to serve as a global platform, businesses from all across the globe might wish to use this platform. Whenever two parties will put some conditions in their business deals, all these conditions will be mentioned on the smart contracts. The smart contract will ensure that agreed conditions are met before the payment is transferred.
  • The rating system:
Planport uses a sophisticated rating system that is relied upon the smart contracts. It is the smart contract that automatically reward points to each user. That’s how user profiles are created and rated on this platform. You can check the rating and reviews before you deal with any other user on this platform.
Final thoughts:
When it comes to dealing with the issues affecting the supply chain industry, Planport is offering a comprehensive solution. This platform has got everything that is needed to cut unnecessary costs and provide customers, manufacturers, and retailers with a good profit.

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