
Selasa, 07 Agustus 2018

WPP ENERGY leads the world in green energy across the blockchain

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Wpp Energy is one of the leading companies in the field of green energy worldwide, with the strengths that are not available to many other companies, starting with the President of the company, Mr. Ben, the global expert in the field of green energy over decades, which is hosted by all the international forums that Means green energy issues.
Wpp energy is characterized by a real presence on the ground and the size of projects is very huge tens of billions of dollars, many of them projects with governments of countries, as well as wide relations with leaders of countries and governments in Around the world .
Wpp Energy is a suite of unique and proven solutions to solve many of the industry's problems as a whole and offers many innovative and exclusive products from mobile green power units to home power units to the green energy selling platform as well as the application of green energy through mobile phones and many more.
The company will benefit from the huge volume of its relations with all sectors of the sector from companies to academics to the media ... etc in presenting their vision to solve the problems of the industry.
In the end, the company will dedicate all these huge advantages of the size of its real business and its exclusive products and services that will be provided to countries, companies, people and many others to serve the wpp Token where the company decided to be all cash transactions using Token wpp, but also offered rebates and other advantages For governments, companies and people to motivate them to use their code in an effort to make this code one of the strongest digital currencies (not just icons) at all.
History of acccomplishmentand tender
1972 The beginning of Mr. Ben's star was in the brightness
Where concerned about the high rising fuels within the US and
abroad, and began a research and development with his engineering and scientist team to
alternate other fuels technologies and was the first person who has used alcohol blends during
this period and wrote “Methanol - A Clean Fuel for the 21st century”.
1997 WPP President Mr. Ben, and his engineering team started the first prototype of a 1 Mega
Watt per hour Biomass Plant in Chandpur near New Delhi the testing of the smallest unit that
produced 24MW power generation per day that could power a small village with great success.
1998 WPP President Mr. Ben’s team in conjunction with partner CPG, deployed the first power
plant in a remote village in Ghana, West Africa, which was installed successfully and
commissioned using Biomass. A new power source to 24,000 homes, avoiding the cost of
underground cables with great success.
1999 WPP President Mr. Ben started the first testing device that converts water into Hydrogen with proprietary science developed in Belarus.
The vision was to convert large thermal power plants to reduce their operating costs and dramatically increasing efficiency by 35%. Lowering costs and increasing effeciency while running the entire power station at zero pollution, and saving huge amounts on oil and gas costs.
2004 WPP President Mr. Ben became one of the world’s VIP speakers in green summits, speaking about the need to convert and upgrade power generation throughout the world to advance the use of new technologies as an alternative to the oil and gas sectors starting at Sydney Australia, Hong Kong Cambodia Bulgaria Georgia Macedonia Crete Greece Saint Petersburg, and others.
2009 Mr Ben formed World Power Production Energy Corporation (WPP Energy) to solve
Municipal Solid Waste problems around the world using the advanced zero pollution technology, converting waste into power.
2012 WPP Formed a Joint Venture with INEWCORP to implement waste to energy projects in 15
countries in Africa for waste to energy, and green villages with a signed PPA’s with federal
government in the SUM of $55 Billion USD for 35 years contract back by a signed Government DECREE.
2016 WPP Energy begins to visualize the potential of block chain technology once applied to the power production industry and concludes it is the ideal way to reduce public power costs dramatically.
2017 WPP Energy President Mr. Rafael Ben was invited to present at the green energy summit to resolve the problem of waste heavy gases and fumes generated from the power plants via a special exhaust system built in Austria that eliminates heavy pollution, and reuses the same gases and fumes with power production increased by 18% with zero pollution.
  • Government projects currently at $ 50 billion
    WPP Energy represents a joint venture partner in mega projects in many countries worth about US $ 50 billion.
    Projects are established with industry and governments To produce green energy.
Some projects include, for example, the purchase of long-term power (PPA) for the conversion of municipal solid waste (MSW) into power and purchase agreements (PPA's) to convert municipal solid waste (MSW) into electricity and by-products that will be used in local markets As these markets are hungry for it.
Some of these projects will be in the form of long-term energy purchase agreements (PPA) from 20 to 35 years.
Five huge projects will have priority.
  • 3 Hydro projects in Greece total investment of $1B power production of 1100 MW/h power **All projects are 100% green, that we can add extra 0.10 cents per KW Carbon Credits.
  • 4 Hydro projects in Algeya Russia valued at $1B.
  • Macedonia 3 Hydro projects valued at $1B, with total power generation 1000 MW/h.
  • Turkey 1 Hydro project of $600 Million investment generating 480 MW/h power.
  • DRC Congo 5 power plants waste to energy 10,000 tonnes per day processed into power.
    Ths is a large 35 year contract, $35 per tonne per day times: 11,200 = $392,000 x 365 days a year = $143 Million USD x 35 years = $5 Billion USD. 1000 MW per hour x $0.145 per kilo watt = $145,000 USD x 24 hours = $3,480,000 per day x 365 days = $1.27 Billion USD x 35 years = $44,457,000,000 Billion USD.
  • Unique green energy solutions supported by the whole world
    A group of products supported by international organizations and federal governments according to the concept of green energy and the program ((going to green))
    WPP Energy has created a set of proven, proven solutions that will help the world move forward in replacing environmentally polluting energy with an environmentally friendly green energy system.
    WPP Energy has not only been interested in creating new environmentally friendly plants but also Will convert Polluted to the environment power plants to environmentally friendly plants.
    These products include:
WPP ENERGY offers a range of advanced innovations for HHO technology.
The upcoming release of three advanced game changing disruptive energy technology solutions will solve many energy problems around the world:
WPP has a solution under development that will produce 1 to 2.5MW/h. This stand-alone Power Station requires only a water line only .
WPP Energy did not forget the homeowners and those who worked from their home and gave them this solution
The WPP HHO Home Owner/Home Business Owner offering is an instant low cost clean energy power source for those wishing to unplug from their current overpriced energy provider and enjoy their own efficient, very low cost, clean independent power source.
The HOME HHO Solution runs on water and converts the water into electricity, producing 100% clean energy. Users will enjoy a dramatic reduction in energy costs.
The HHO Home Owner Solution produces 50.4 KW/per day and uses only 2.8L of water per day.
And about the plants that are contaminated with the environment around the world as a whole, which number about 20 thousand stations This is a very important contribution to environmental conservation .
The WPP Team and AEG Industrial Engineering team will merge efforts to upgrade the HHO Conversion Solution.
This will ensure market demand and client expectations are met. Both WPP ENERGY and AEG INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING understand that the world has been waiting for such a viable solution to dramatically reduce global pollution and warming, global demand for this solution is expected to be extremely strong.
WPP’s focus is to convert existing polluting power plants that operate on Coal, Natural Gas, Oil, and Gasoline to run as clean and environmentally friendly as possible. WPP’s conversion solution will also reduce power plant operating costs by up to 65% and dramatically increase power plant performance efficiency.
The WPP conversion solution is housed inside a turn-key ready secure 20’ Container that allows for the conversion polluting Oil, Coal, Natural Gas and Gasoline Power Plants into highly productive zero pollution Hydrogen-Fired Steam Plants (HHO). After conversion they will produce ample amounts of Hydrogen Gas mixed with other H2O applications creating maximum efficiencies, capable of operating a 500 MW/h or 1000 MW/h power plant.
A zero carbon footprint is WPP’s approach to the conversion process outcome and a strong contributionto reducing global warming.
  • WPP + BLOCKCHAIN = energy rebate
    With great progress in blockchain field Wpp has been able to benefit from this technology in the field of energy rebate through a special program Standardized format offered through a Blockchain option will make it easier for new companies to join our Green Energy Rebate Program.
    Blockchain with smart contract execution is an inexpensive way to track rebates offered by corporations and governments through the green energy rebate program.
    • WPP TOKEN is the strongest of currencies .. how ?
      WPP ENERGY offers full support for its token to be one of the most powerful cryptocurrencies, not just tokens, through initiatives including:
Government power supply projects covering a 35 year period valued at over
$6B USD and with accompanying private purchase agreements.
Wholesale digital platform connecting energy buyers and sellers worldwide.
Power production data from Green Energy producers around the world streams
into the platform. Supply is offered at wholesale prices to seeks of affordable
green energy sources.
WPP’s second platform will aggregate the various Cryptocurrencies in the
marketplace that are related to Energy and Crypto Mining into a new exchange
platform. Increased liquidity for all by allowing the various currencies to trade
against one another.
This Turn Key power station converts water into electricity and can be deployed
anywhere in the world there is a simple waterline source. Housed inside a 40’
Heavy Cuty Custom Sea Container, producing 1MW/h to 2.5MW/h of 100%
Green Energy. Ideal for military, cryptocurrency miners, hotels, schools,
hospitals, shopping malls.
Converting as many as possible of the estimated 20,000 world wide existing
polluting Oil, Coal, Natural Gas and Natural Gas Power Plants into non
polluting HHO power plants. Converted Power Plants will be clean, more
efficient and have lower operating costs. WPP arrives onsite with the HHO
Conversion Technology housed inside a custom high tech 20’ sea container.
Instant low cost clean energy power source for those wishing to unplug from
their current overpriced energy provider and enjoy their own efficient, very low
cost, clean independent power source. The technology used converts water
into clean electricity.
Private Sale Price: $0.16
Pre ITO Sale Price: $0.20
Private Sale period ends July 15th and has a minimum purchase of 10 ETH at $0.16 per WPP Token.
President and Chairman
President Green Energy
Rebate Program
for more informations about team please visit Website

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